Make smarter decisions based on your sales data.
See trends and compare to historic sales for volume, payment type, customers, employees, and inventory.

Track your inventory and sync quantities across devices. See what's selling and what's not with item category performance by volume and quantity sold.
View your top performers by volume or number of transactions. Filter transactions by one or more employees.
Gain insight into customer behavior by seeing who spends the most, who visits most often, and who is a first-time buyer.
Create transaction and deposit reports.

View and export deposits. Filter, refund, and share your transactions. Export for easy accounting.

View and manage dispute activity.
Monitor chargeback activity, upload supporting documentation, and get notified when action is required.

Get a glance or export to advanced accounting software.

Dashboard. A quick summary of your business from every angle.
Flash reports. View totals for net sales, discounts, tax, tips, voids, and payment methods.
Quickbooks. Export your transactional data to professional online accounting software.

Promotex is here to help you build and expand your business. Satisfy your entrepreneurial spirit and provide you with the tools you need succeed. Partner with us today.
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